Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Tuesday, a bit of a drag

Tuesday hubby and I were both off (as I am on vacation for another week and some). It was a day to do whatever. I helped a friend do her wedding reception center pieces and we looked at her bunnies after. K loved watching them! It was very cute!

After supper my bestie came over and we went out for ice cream. Hubby was being a bit of a grump all day and so I didn't care if we were going to get ice cream or not, I needed to get out of the house! Let me tell you, it was so good! And super cheap; it was $3.75 for a medium, which I couldn't even finish. Its soft service ice cream, in their own mixture. Its the perfect tasting ice cream I have ever had. I love ice cream can you tell?  After getting come back home my bestie wanted to go out on K's trampoline, it was like we were kids again. We had so much fun!

Food Journal
oatmeal with brown sugar and milk
Handful of chips
corn on the cob with margarine, 2 pieces
medium ice cream

Jumping on trampoline for 10 minutes

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